Monday, August 26, 2013

How to... make a collage poster

How to make a collage poster.
With collage, I don't mean college, the thing that comes after high school.
A collage is just a bunch of pictures stuck together.
A collage poster is a collage that is really big, and u can hang it in ur room as a decoration.
U can use anything anything ur interested in!
For example:
  • Celebs
  • Cats
  • Ur crush
  • Cooking
Just get as many topics u can about the person/thing.
For example: If ur making a collage about ur crush, get as many pictures of him as u can find.
Get all his pictures on facebook, twitter, instagram, school photos, EVERYTHING!!!
Then, get a big sheat of white paper and stick all the pictures on it, not straight, but overlapping and slanted and ripped and stuff. Make sure u can not see any of the white paper.
Then, get stickers of hearts and other love stuff and stick it on there.
Finally, hang it in ur room, where u can dreamily look at all his pictures.

With a collage poster about cats or something, it is a lot easier.
U can finds pictures of cats in magazines and other things.
Also stick these on paper, add decorations, and u can hang it on ur wall!!

This is just a creative way of putting pictures on ur wall :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Prank - Toothpaste on Door Handle

The toothpaste on door handle prank is an old one but a good one.
It works best if u have door handle like this:

It will also work with other doorknobs, but then the toothpaste will be more obvious.
Then, u check if no one is watching.
U grab ur toothpaste, and put it on the door handle.
Put it on the back of the doorhandle, so ur victim won't see it.
It should look like this:

Then wait for ur victim to grab the door handle!
U can also film it, and watch it with ur victim so u can both have a good laugh about it.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tricks - Staying up Late

        U want to stay up late, but ur parents are getting really annoying and keep telling u to got to bed. U are really not tired yet, and u want to stay awake. What can u do to stay awake longer?
  1. Get a cup warm cup of milk, sit down and drink it really slowly, while u finish the movie ur watching or the chapter of the book ur reading.
  2. Go to the toilet really long, and take ur book to the toilet and read it instead of going to the toilet. This only works if you are reading a book because otherwise u will be bored on the toilet.
  3. Say ur going to bed, but just continue whatever u were doing, on a laptop or book or something.
  4. Say u have homework that is due tomorrow, and u need to finish it alone in privacy so that u can concentrate. Just do something else while ur parents think u are doing ur homework.
  5. If nothing works, just go to bed and try something else tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hey!!! :D

Hello everyone!
I'm Anna.
I created this blog to help everyone and make ur life easier!
I'll give tips, tricks, funny pics, and answer any questions that u might have.
Every blog post will be in a category.
The categories are: Ask Anna, Pranks, Tips, Tricks, and How to...
There are also 5 pages: Home, Ask Anna, Funny Pictures, funny videos and About me.
Ask me anything at
U can also comment ur question below the Ask Anna page.
This blog is mostly for girls, but all guys are welcome!
Comment anything u want to say about what I wrote.